The Best Natural and Cheap Ingredient to Eliminate Ants from Your Home

Ants are a common nuisance in households, often finding their way into kitchens and other areas in search of food. While commercial pesticides are effective, they can contain harmful chemicals that pose risks to both humans and pets. Fortunately, there is a natural, inexpensive solution that can get rid of ants just as effectively—borax.

Why Borax Works as an Effective Ant Killer

Borax, or sodium borate, is a naturally occurring mineral that is commonly used in household cleaning products. It is particularly effective against ants due to its dual-action mechanism: it acts as both a poison and a disruptor to their digestive systems.

When ants ingest borax, it interferes with their ability to digest food, eventually killing them. What makes borax especially powerful is that the worker ants will carry the borax-laced food back to their colony, spreading the poison to other ants, including the queen. This ensures that the entire ant colony is eradicated.

How to Use Borax to Get Rid of Ants

Borax can be easily combined with simple household ingredients to create highly effective ant traps and baits. Follow these steps to safely use borax for ant control:


  • 1 tablespoon of borax
  • 1/2 cup of sugar
  • 1/2 cup of warm water
  • Cotton balls or paper towels


  1. Mix the Solution: Combine the borax, sugar, and warm water in a small bowl. Stir until the sugar and borax are fully dissolved.
  2. Prepare the Bait: Soak cotton balls or small strips of paper towels in the solution. Alternatively, you can use small pieces of bread or cardboard.
  3. Place the Bait: Place the soaked cotton balls or other baits near ant trails, entry points, and anywhere you have noticed ant activity. Ensure the bait is kept away from children and pets.

The sugar in this mixture acts as a lure for the ants, attracting them to the bait. Once they consume it, they will carry the borax back to their colony, where it will spread to other ants.

Additional Ways to Use Borax for Ant Control

If you prefer not to make a liquid solution, here are other simple ways to use borax in your home to combat ants:

1. Dry Borax and Sugar Mixture

Mix equal parts of borax and powdered sugar. Sprinkle this dry mixture around areas where ants are entering your home. The powdered sugar will attract the ants, while the borax will poison them.

2. Borax and Honey Paste

Combine borax with honey to create a sticky paste that can be spread on small pieces of cardboard or paper. The sweet scent of honey will attract ants, and the borax will do the rest.

How to Prevent Ant Infestations

Once you’ve successfully eliminated the ants with borax, it’s important to take steps to prevent future infestations. Here are some preventative measures you can take:

  1. Seal Cracks and Holes: Ants can enter through the tiniest of openings, so seal any cracks around windows, doors, and baseboards.
  2. Keep Food Sealed: Store food in airtight containers, and avoid leaving crumbs or spills out in the open. Regularly clean countertops, floors, and pantries.
  3. Eliminate Moisture: Ants are attracted to moisture, so fix any leaks in your home and ensure that your kitchen and bathroom areas are dry.
  4. Regular Cleaning: Regularly clean your home, paying special attention to the kitchen and dining areas where food particles can attract ants.

Conclusion: Borax—A Natural and Effective Solution for Ants

Borax is a cheap, natural, and effective solution for eliminating ants in your home. It works not only by killing the ants that come into contact with it but also by wiping out entire colonies when the workers bring it back to their nests. By combining borax with other household ingredients like sugar or honey, you can create powerful ant baits that will rid your home of ants without the need for harsh chemicals.

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