How To Grow Hydrangeas In Containers

Hydrangeas are beautiful and stunning flowers that produce abundance of different color blooms. The colors range from blue, vibrant pink, lavender to frosty white making them perfect for all flower lovers. Sometimes a single hydrangea can have multiple colors on one plant! Most people don’t want the hassle or space needed to grow traditional plants in their homes but there’s no need with these easy-to-grow beauties because they do well even when grown in small containers like pots.


Growing plants in a container is the best option for those with limited space, as you can move it to provide shelter from harsh weather. Remember that exposure to cold may be the cause of death for your plant!


When the last spring frost passes, then you are finally able to plant your hydrangeas in a container. As these stunning flowers grow inside of their pot-home, they will bloom earlier than on ground soil because less cold air is present and there’s more heat from direct sunlight. But only water them before it turns into scorching hot weather!


How can a life be colorful without flowers? Here are some common varieties which you can grow in your garden. Choose one and fill the colors of flowers in your life with it!

  • HYDRANGEA macrophylla ‘VEITCHII’

This variety of roses is very delicate to grow. They are large with white flowers that turn pink over time.


This variety of tulip has huge domed white and pink flowers that fade to lime green. These large, fragrant blooms are perfect for a centerpiece or arrangements in your home.


The large flowerheads of this variety start with white or green that eventually turns into pink, and sometimes a fiery red.

  • HYDRANGEA macrophylla ‘JOGASAKI’

Add a splash of color to any garden with these gorgeous flowers in an assortment of colors! The florets range from the palest pink and icy blue, which will last for months.


These stunning flowers change the look of your garden with their deep pink or sky blue florets. The clusters of tiny, light-blue blossoms are perfect for adding a splash to any flowerbed!


The hydrangea plant is a favorite for gardeners all around the world. While you can buy young plants from your local nursery, it’s just as easy to propagate them by taking cuttings and planting those in containers of desired size. It takes only about three months before they are ready to be transplanted into larger pots or among other flowers while still blooming beautifully!

If you’re interested in saving time when tending an indoor hydrangea container garden, take some cutting tips with this article on propagating these beautiful flowering bushes through propagation (or cloning) methods that require little work but great care; there will always come a day where replanting needs to happen so why not make things easier now?

  • I don’t know what the perfect branch is, but I would say that a younger one with new growth lighter than old and not flowering will work best. The stem should also be flexible for better maneuverability in your arrangement.
  • Make sure to bury the tip of the branch up to 4-5 inches deep in your container. The 3 or so pairs of leaves will need some soil too, and this is where you’ll plant them!
  • You don’t need the lowest pair of leaves. Trim them and wait for new roots to grow before you cut anymore! You can also save these low-hanging branches and plant them in soil or water so that they sprout even without a partner branch on which to rest their feet.
  • If you have a lot of leaves that are too big for the bag, consider cutting them in half.

The next step is to dust the bottom part of your stem in rooting hormone and an anti-fungal powder. This small step will help in encouraging roots, while discouraging rotting. Now you need a pot for your cuttings that are ready to plant! It should be 8cm across with drainage holes on the bottom; well drained soil is key when it comes to healthy plants after all! The hole at the bottom of pot drains away all soil. Fill a high-quality moistened potting mix in the small container and plant low branches afterward.

  • If you’re using a pot with a lid, cover the top of the soil surface loosely with plastic wrap before enclosing. This helps maintain moisture and protects from wind and harsh weather changes during this delicate stage in plant development. If possible, keep your potted plants by an area that receives direct sunlight but is protected from humidity or strong winds for healthy growth to develop!
  • Select dwarf varieties of plants for container growing. Ensure that the cuttings get six to eight hours of light a day in order to grow tall and strong! Regularly check your plant, which will need watering if you notice dry soil.


The roots of the plants need space for proportion and development. For that, your container needs to be at least 2 feet in width so they can spread out well. Drainage holes are also an important aspect which will help with watering as needed because you don’t want them sitting on water all day long! Make sure it’s strong enough to hold up heavier items but not too heavy where you can barely move them or else there won’t be any benefits from having wheels (unless those wheel are like a bike).


You don’t have to worry about the type of container you use. Just make sure it’s clean and disinfected before planting your hydrangea, so that disease won’t spread from one plant to another in a pot. Once this is done, fill up with high-quality potting soil for gorgeous flowers or garden soil mixed with some fertilizer if you prefer not knowing what kind of minerals are in there (just do an initial test). Leave at least 2 inches between the top edge of the planter and surface height–this way when watering plants will stay inside without spilling out!


Your plants are now ready for transplanting. Dig the hole in your container, but make sure it is just as wide and deep as the pot you’re planting them into. Make sure to put this new plant near a window with plenty of sunlight so they can get used to their new environment quickly!


Hydrangeas are a popular perennial that is often used for landscaping due to its ability to thrive in even the harshest of environments. These plants require lots of water and sunlight, which can be found easily outdoors but not so much inside. If you grow your hydrangea indoors then put them near a south-facing window with plenty of sun; if space permits outside would work just as well too!


  • Make sure you water your plants 1-2 times per week in the first year to ensure that they get enough of what they need and thrive. You should also avoid watering shallowly, which will encourage root growth instead of keeping a plant’s leaves wet for long periods. By doing this you’ll have an excellent harvest next season with plenty of blooms!
  • There are many varieties of hydrangeas, but they’re all equally needy. With that in mind, be sure to keep your garden hydrated by giving them consistent moisture and regular watering’s.

In order to ensure your hydrangeas are both beautiful and healthy, it is important that you water them deeply but infrequently. Morning is the best time for watering because this will help prepare them to tolerate heat later in the day when they can be more susceptible to disease.


If you are growing plants in a container or pot then the soil is always maintained. The reason being, if not done so, it will become compacted and lead to root rot which would eventually kill your plant regardless of how well cared for it was beforehand. One way this problem can be solved is by using high-quality potting mix that does not need any extra fertilizer as too much might disrupt its natural growth pattern towards leafy foliage instead of blooms! The type of fertilizer needed by your plants depends on the variety that is growing in the container. In fact, when it comes to application timing, too will be different according to which hydrangeas plant you have!

  • If you want to grow big leaves, applying light fertilizer in March, May and June will make that happen. Oak leaf hydrangeas do well with two applications of fertilizers in April and June while panicle varieties require only one application a month.
  • You may be growing a smooth hydrangeas variety and need to apply fertilizer in late winter.

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